What is Cannabis Extraction?

What is Cannabis Extraction?

What are Cannabis Extracts? Cannabis Extracts encompasses a wide variety of products and processes. Essentially a cannabis extract entails taking the raw plant material like...

Tincture Versus Extracts

Tincture Versus Extracts

What are Tinctures? Tinctures are highly concentrated herbal extracts that have used alcohol as the solvent. In other words, tinctures are alcohol-extracted, using such alcohol...

What Is Edible Oil?

What Is Edible Oil?

Edible oils are something almost all consumers use every day. It is a common household kitchen item and used in industrial ways too. Edible oils...

Ethanol Use In Plant Extraction

Ethanol Use In Plant Extraction

Plant Extraction Background Plant extraction has been utilized for a long time due to its medicinal and healing properties as well as other purposes. With...