The Future of Regenerative Farming with Hemp

The Future of Regenerative Farming with Hemp

In recent years, the climate crisis has become all too prevalent. One of the world’s biggest challenges, the environmental decline is considered a major emergency. While there have been many proposed solutions to the problem, such as reducing plastic waste, there is one combative measure that has the potential to transform and heal our environment: regenerative farming, in particular regenerative hemp farming. 

What is Regenerative Farming? 

Regenerative farming, also called regenerative agriculture, has been around for ages. It’s a concept that essentially eliminates the use of chemical/unnatural substances in the cultivation process. Regenerative agriculture practices several principles like: 

  • planting diverse crops to promote biodiversity  
  • avoiding removal of plant roots 
  • incorporating livestock into the farming process 
  • soil coverage instead of tilling 

The benefits of these, and many other, sustainable practices in this type of farming include: 

  • increased soil and plant health and fertility 
  • increased carbon sequestration 
  • increased biodiversity 
  • increased sustainability for natural resources  
  • decreased biowaste
  • decreased effects of climate change like water and air pollution 
  • decreased soil erosion 

Regenerative agriculture is beneficial with many different plants and can also benefit the animals that live on regenerative farms. Food that comes from these farms is more nutrient-dense, adding another reason to the lengthy list of benefits of regenerative farming.  

Regenerative Farming with Hemp 

Although this branch of agriculture is effective with a diverse assortment of plants, hemp is particularly beneficial. First and foremost, each part of the hemp plant has its own use. The fibers from the stalk of the plant can be used to make things like clothing, ropes, and plastics, while oil extracted from the flowers is used in medicines, food, and recreational products like tinctures or inhalers. This makes hemp an incredibly sustainable product on its own, as it leaves little to no waste. That being said, any plant waste left behind by a hemp plant can be put back into the soil it came from, as the plant is biodegradable and packed full of nutrients that soil loves.  

Hemp plants also have extremely long roots that can reach around 9 feet deep into the soil. There are several benefits to this: 

  • Decreased soil erosion. Because the roots dig deep into the ground rather, they act as an anchor for the surrounding soil, so it doesn’t get swept away or damaged. 
  • Bioremediation. After years and years of toxic industrial agriculture, a lot of soil is contaminated with chemicals and heavy metals. Hemp plant roots can absorb these from the soil, leaving healthy soil behind for new and future plants.  
  • Decreased herbicide necessity. Hemp plants block room for weed growth, meaning that a farmer will not have to turn to harmful chemicals like herbicides.  

As if this wasn’t enough, hemp plants have one crucial property: they sequester carbon—and other greenhouse gases—during photosynthesis. This means that hemp plants actually pull carbon out of the air—a revolutionary feat in the face of the climate crisis. 

Future of Hemp Farming

It is quite clear that regenerative farming with hemp has a future in the agricultural industry. Not only are the plants themselves extremely useful and versatile but planting them even without intention for use would provide so many benefits to our environment. Regenerative farming with hemp has the power to regenerate our soil, our air, our water, and our planet. 

At Extraction Grade Solvents, we assist in the hemp of extracting hemp oils! You can view our product catalog here, or get in contact with one of our team members here! We look forward to hearing from you soon!