How Is Ethylene Glycol Obtained?

How Is Ethylene Glycol Obtained?

What is Ethylene Glycol?

Ethylene glycol is an industrial compound that is often used in the extraction process. Not only is it used in the extraction process, but it is also used as a solvent in purification, and distillation processing. This biochemical has a compound of C2H6O2. The production of ethylene glycol is done by the chemical breakdown of a compound. During this process, which is also known as hydrolysis, water is used to break the compound down. The reaction that produces this is one between ethylene oxide and water forming ethylene glycol. In this reaction, there is what is called decomposition. In decomposition there is a chemical breakdown similar to hydrolysis but goes a step further by splitting a bond and adding a hydrogen cation and hydroxide anion. Typically, these reactions are what produce this specific chemical.  

Ethylene Glycol Properties

Here are a few of the properties of this bio alcohol: 

  • chemical  
  • odorless  
  • synthetic  
  • sweet taste  
  • low volatility  
  • syrup/sap consistency  

Among other things, this biochemical can also be produced from ethylene by microorganisms. This process is not done via hydrolysis but rather through decomposition. There are many biological uses to ethylene glycol. Some of the uses are to preserve biological specimens and sometimes it is used in the creation/preservation of vaccines. This compound is most known for being the main component of antifreeze and can be highly toxic if ingested. It is also a compound that is used in the process of making coolant.  


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