Hazardous Waste Generators

Hazardous Waste Generators

What is a Hazard?

The term “hazard” is important to understand, especially if one is looking to interact with solvents. Oftentimes the term is associated with the word “risk”, but it means so much aside from this. Hazards typically stand as dangers to occupational health and safety. Workplace safety is often associated with this, as hazards are seen to be a source of potential harm. Specifically, hazards are often labeled due to the adverse environmental and health effects that they pose. Though for the purpose of this writing we are going to be focusing on hazardous waste.

What Can Make Waste Hazardous?

In occupational settings, waste may be labeled as “hazardous” due to a variety of factors. In specific analyses, a chemical’s hazardous nature will depend on its properties, whether they be toxic or physical. 4 widely accepted common characteristics of hazardous waste are ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. Thus, a waste’s risk for a chemical reaction will help to place it into a hazardous status. The Environmental Protection Agency has developed a great model to help producers further identify whether or not their substance may be hazardous.

Hazardous waste

Major Hazardous Waste Generators

Producers surely want to know the most common hazardous waste generators so that they can avoid issues in their production processes. Some of these generators include:

  • Waste that is no longer useful or wanted
  • Leftover waste from manufacturing processes
  • Improper management of waste
  • Mislabeled chemicals
  • Abandoned Chemicals
  • Materials stored in inferior containers
  • Abandonment of residuals and debris

How to Reduce Hazardous Waste?

Oftentimes, hazardous waste generators are associated with improper disposal. Experts such as those at Extraction Grade Solvents can help to ensure proper disposal of products in order to reduce hazardous waste. Since hazards can come from a large number of sources, it is important to troubleshoot as much as possible, which is where the skills of professionals can come into play. Critical thinking involving risk assessments can also be of use – here individuals can identify a hazard, evaluate its associated risk, and determine the appropriate ways to eliminate it.

A Safe Source

Extraction Grade Solvents is a great source to assist with your hazardous waste reduction needs. Solvents can be a common source of hazardous waste, and our specialists are well-trained in knowing how to properly handle these matters. Our solvent recycling methods are another great option for those looking to reduce their accumulation of hazardous waste. Contact us here, or visit our website here today!