Are CBD Products Sustainable?

Are CBD Products Sustainable?

The CBD industry has experienced massive growth as of late, with many new users enticed by promises of pain relief, reduced inflammation, anxiety aid, and many more. This growth has been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, as people globally strive to prioritize personal wellness.  

Part of the appeal of CBD is that it has been categorized as producing ‘natural’ products, which makes it fit into the trend of natural health and wellness. This leads to the assumption that CBD products are sustainable. However, this demand for natural products has led to the increase of a common marketing ploy called “greenwashing”, where a product and its manufacturing process is made to look more sustainable than it really is. To determine whether this is the case with CBD products, let’s examine some of the factors that go into the process of CBD product creation.  

Plant Cultivation 

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the chemical compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as a hemp plant. Unlike its counterpart THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD is not psychoactive and thus will not produce the “high” that is associated with THC. 

Since the agriculture industry is one of the largest contributors to climate-endangering emissions, it’s a given that mass plant growth will have an impact on the environment. Because of this, it’s important to look at the total impact that hemp-growing companies have on the environment.  

One of the main benefits of hemp plants is that every part of the plant can be used for something. Not only are CBD products extracted, but hemp plants can be used to create ropes or similar objects, and the plant seeds are packed with nutritional value. Due to this, the plants themselves leave very little waste, so the industry is not producing large amounts of refuse.  

Hemp plants also do not grow very wide, and instead grow deep into the ground, meaning the plant leaves nutrients and water in the topsoil, preserving vital minerals, and decreasing soil erosion.  

Not only is it completely eco-friendly to grow hemp plants on a large scale, but hemp plants can actually reduce the amount of carbon in the air because it is needed for their photosynthesis. This is known as carbon sequestration and results in cleaner air while also adding carbon back to the soil through biosequestration. 

CBD Extraction 

Most plants that are to be used for CBD extraction are specially grown to have a high CBD content and a low THC content. This means that the extraction process is less wasteful, as more plant products can be used.  

CBD extraction can be done in several different ways, but the most common are CO2 extraction and solvent extraction. Both methods produce extremely high-quality, concentrated CBD oil with minimal residues and wastes.  

Based on the cultivation and extraction processes of CBD products, it’s safe to say that this industry is sustainable and will not cause significant damage to the environment. Hemp plants pose little threat to the planet and are in fact beneficial to the air and soil in which they grow. On top of that, manufacturing is quite sustainable. All in all, CBD products are indeed sustainable. 

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